Migrate principalNames for user accounts in Azure DevOps

Migrate principalNames for user accounts in Azure DevOps

Some while back I created a script that helps migrating user accounts in Azure DevOps and - if required - invited user accounts in the connected Azure Active Directory from one principal name to another.

Although it can be used for these cases ...

  • migrate from one domain to another e.g. userid@old-domain.com to userid@new-domain.com
  • migrate from one principal name to another e.g. old-userid@domain.com to new-userid@domain.com
  • migrate when last- and/or firstname had changed e.g. firstname.old-lastname@domain.com to firstname.new-lastname@domain.com
  • copy Azure Active Directory, Azure Resource Manager and/or Azure DevOps authorizationsfrom one user account to another e.g. userid@domain.com to some-other-userid@domain.com

... it was originally created for the case when principal names for invited accounts in an Azure Active Directory with connected Azure DevOps accounts change e.g. from userid@domain.com to firstname.lastname@domain.com.

abbreviations used in this post

AADAzure Active Directory
ARMAzure Resource Manager
AzDAzure DevOps
UPNUser Principal Name

processing flow of the script

The script migration.py has this main processes:

  • capture AAD (Azure Active Directory) user account group assignments and ARM (Azure Resource Manager) role assignments; capture AzD (Azure DevOps) entitlements and group assignments
  • delete accounts previously captured from AAD and AzD
  • rebuild accounts previously captured in AAD and AzD - inviting the AAD account, re-assigning group memberships, re-assigning ARM role assignments, re-creating in AzD, re-assigning group memberships and entitlements in AzD
  • transfer work items from one principal to another


install dependencies

if you care - create and activate a Python virtual environment before

  • install Python 3.7+
  • install dependencies : pip install -r .\requirements.txt

configure Azure and Azure DevOps accounts

DISCLAIMER! The success of capture and rebuild hugely depends on the authorizations given to these accounts. Check the captured information thoroughly. I had cases where I had to assign IAM / Subscription Owner to the registered app.

For Azure an registered app is required with these application permissions: Microsoft Graph -> Directory.ReadWrite.All + User.Invite.All + User.ReadWrite.All

For each Azure DevOps account to be processed a PAT with _Full access has to be created.

With that information create a configuration file .profile/accounts.json and set tentant, password and appId in aadAccount section. In section azdAccounts add a url and pat for each Azure DevOps account:

    "aadAccount": {
        "tenant": "***tenant***",
        "password": "***password***",
        "appId": "***appid***"
    "azdAccounts": {
        "***accountkey1***": {
            "url": "https://dev.azure.com/***account1***",
            "pat": "***full access - personal access token***"
        "***accountkey2***": {
            "url": "https://dev.azure.com/***account2***",
            "pat": "***full access - personal access token***"
***tenant***Tenant Id (GUID format) of the Azure Active Directory to which the Azure DevOps accounts are linked to
***password***Client secret / password for the AAD registered app
***appid***Client Id / App Id for the AAD registered app
***accountkeyn***A free short key identifying your Azure DevOps accounts in the migration process
***accountn***Account URL suffix
***full access - personal access token***Full access PAT to the particular account


listing users

List AAD users with their reference to the configured Azure DevOps accounts into a file userlist.txt.

This option expects a RegEx pattern to identify the user account in the AAD.

.\migration.py -l "^ab.*@domain.com$"

capture user account information

Users to be captured (analyzed) for a migration can be either specified in a text file - as a migrate from UPN to UPN pair - with a line for each user ...

.\migration.py -c -f .\upnsbatch1.txt

... or directly as an argument

.\migration.py -c -u "userid@domain.com,firstname.lastname@domain.com"

Results of the capture can be verified in migration.json.

delete old user

Delete capture (old) user accounts:

.\migration.py -d

Delete only in Azure DevOps:

.\migration.py -d --azd

rebuild with new user

Rebuild user accounts from captured information:

.\migration.py -r

transfer work items

Transfer work items from captured information:

.\migration.py -w

Transfer work items directly (full diplayname is expected):

.\migration.py -w -u "John Doe <john.doe@old-domain.com>,John Doe <john.doe@new-domain.com>"

general parameters

--aadonly process Azure Active Directory (capture, delete, rebuild)
--azdonly process Azure DevOps (capture, delete, rebuild)
--debugswitch logging to DEBUG mode so that SDK logs API calls

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